Did you know that every time you swipe a credit card, the business that you’re supporting pays around 5.1%? For every $10 spent on a card, that’s a $0.51 out the door. It doesn’t seem like much, but it adds up!
This winter, support Barstow’s and local nonprofits by putting away the card and paying with cash. Every Monday, through April 30, 2018, for every $10 increment spent in cash, you will receive a ticket in the amount of $0.51. That ticket is equal to the 5.1% you’re saving us by not using a credit card.
Use your ticket to donate to any of our three featured nonprofits. It doesn’t seem like much, but it adds up!
Visit us winter Mondays to support your community and to keep your dollars doing good in the Valley we call home!
This winter, our featured nonprofits are:
Berkshire Hills Music Academy
South Hadley, MA | www.berkshirehills.org
BHMA strives to create a world in which all people with intellectual disabilities are encouraged to pursue their talents, enjoy a high quality of life, and find meaningful employment. BHMA uses music to help individuals develop skills for communication and independence.
The Edward Hopkins Educational Foundation
Hadley, MA | www.edwardhopkinseducationalfoundation.com
The Edward Hopkins Educational Foundation seeks to enrich the educational experiences of the students in the Hadley Public Schools. The foundation provides grants to teachers to further their curriculum through materials or experiences in the classroom.
The Hadley Firemen’s Association
Hadley, MA | www.facebook.com/HadleyFiremansAssociation
The Hadley Firemen’s Association raises funding for the Hadley Volunteer Fire Department.