The Gazette: A Look Back on June 11

A Look Back: June 11

For the Gazette
Published: 6/10/2022 7:05:26 PM

200 Years Ago
■Eliphalet Williams and H. T. Hooker have entered into co-partnership and will transact business under the firm of Williams & Hooker. They have taken the brick store belonging to Judge Lyman, next door to Warner’s tavern, and intend keeping at all times an extensive assortment of groceries of the best qualities.

■G.W. Partridge, surgeon dentist, is at Mr. Warner’s public house, where he will remain two weeks only. He inserts natural and artificial teeth, any number that is requested, which will retain their natural color, white. He cleanses, evens, separates and extracts teeth in the best manner.

100 Years Ago
■The automobile camp site for tourists maintained by the Chamber of Commerce, just south of Laurel Park, is featured in this month’s issue of the Automobilist, a magazine issued by the Automobile Legal Association. A picture of the camp is the largest in a series of camp pictures which make up a full-page layout in the magazine.

■It was reported yesterday that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge would visit Northampton on Monday. Nobody here seems to know anything about it, and it is probable that his coming will be to make an informal call on his many friends here.

50 Years Ago
■The open farm at Barstow’s Long View dairy farm in Hadley on Saturday attracted 500 for a guided tour where they saw the silo being filled and watched the milking process. The farm, operated by Nelson and John Barstow and families, houses 175 head of registered Holstein cattle, with 106 milking cows.

■Making it official yesterday before 320 supporters at a kickoff party in the Eagles Hall, State Rep. Edward A. McColgan, D-Northampton, said, “It has been an honor and privilege to represent you and all residents of the First Hampshire District in the Legislature for the past four years. I ask your support so that I may continue to serve you.”

Read this article on the Gazette website here.


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